The Daily Bulletin delivers news about CISL’s high-performance computing environment, training opportunities, scheduled maintenance, and other events of interest to the user community. To get the Daily Bulletin by email, use this link to subscribe.
Researchers who want help visualizing data to demonstrate the results of their scientific computing can request expert assistance and collaboration from CISL. This service is available to researchers using specialized applications on data analysis and visualization resources that CISL manages. CISL visualization staff have special expertise in CISL-developed software such as VAPOR but are open ...
Those interested in learning how to create collections of Jupyter Notebooks called “cookbooks” for scientific workflows are invited to attend a June 20-23 Project Pythia hackathon either in person at the Mesa Lab in Boulder or remotely. The Cookbook Cook-off is open to participants with all experience levels. Cookbooks provide educational context and BinderHub cloud resources to help users lear...
CISL has enabled the Globus for Google Drive connector service to facilitate file transfers to NCAR's Google Drive by NCAR and UCAR staff. University users and others who are interested in using the connector service are advised to consult with their own institutional IT experts. See Globus file transfers for details.
Application testing continued on Derecho last week and the NWSC-3 team deployed a new Spack software stack on the system, which will offer the latest available compilers and libraries from HPE and third-party vendors. Additionally, codes in the NWSC-3 Benchmark Suite were recompiled against the latest software stack. They ran successfully with the exception of one code that triggers a bug in th...
None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, GLADE, Campaign Storage, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
Programmers interested in attending the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s Shared Memory Programming Using OpenMP workshop on Monday, April 24, should register by 10 a.m. MDT on Friday. The one-day event for C and Fortran programmers will be in-person at a number of satellite sites, including CU-Boulder, via the Wide Area Classroom training platform. For more information and a list of other hos...