The Daily Bulletin delivers news about CISL’s high-performance computing environment, training opportunities, scheduled maintenance, and other events of interest to the user community. To get the Daily Bulletin by email, use this link to subscribe.
The NCAR Research Computing Help Desk, user documentation knowledge base, and Enterprise Service Desk for NCAR/UCAR staff support will be unavailable for about two hours beginning at 5:30 p.m. MDT today for scheduled maintenance. Users will be unable to submit tickets during that time frame and are asked to refrain from making changes during the downtime to tickets they submitted previously.
All Cheyenne and Casper system users are invited to the NCAR HPC User Group (NHUG) monthly meeting from 9 to 10 a.m. MDT on Tuesday, April 4. The meeting will include some HPC-focused CI/CD discussions, an update on the Derecho system, and highlights of a variety of upcoming events. To contribute to the agenda or submit questions for the next meeting, please visit Slido, where you can also upv...
CISL staff will seek user input on two initiatives of interest to the NCAR community during the Earth System Data Science (ESDS) forum from 2 to 3 p.m. MDT on Monday, April 3. The forum agenda includes: 1. An overview of a prototype on/off-premises, cloud-computing project that seeks to complement and extend the capabilities of NCAR’s existing JupyterHub and Casper resources. 2. Community input...
Acknowledging the support of NCAR and CISL computing when you publish research results helps ensure continued support from the National Science Foundation and other sources of funding for future high-performance computing systems. It is also one of the requirements of receiving an allocation, as was noted in your award letter. The reporting requirements and recommended wording of acknowledgment...
Update: CISL's test of the CPE container ended in 2023 The Cray Programming Environment container available to Cheyenne and Casper users now includes GPU support, as described in this updated high-performance computing documentation page: Using a CPE container on NCAR systems (link removed). The Cray Fortran compiler can build applications with OpenACC directives, supporting features up to the...
Additional new documentation about using the Derecho system and other NCAR high-performance computing resources is now available on the Advanced Research Computing portal. Derecho-specific documentation made available recently includes: • an overview of the Lustre scratch file system. • basic environment details. • system use policies. Detailed documentation about starting Derecho jobs, monit...