Daily Bulletin

HPC Systems Maintenance Update

October 27, 2023

HPC systems maintenance activities continue. 

Cheyenne and GLADE were returned to service Tuesday evening and continue to perform well.

Maintenance is ongoing for Derecho, Casper, and JupyterHub.

Casper operating system updates are largely complete, with CISL engineers finalizing evaluation of all Casper services.  JupyterHub remains under maintenance along with Casper, and we currently plan to release both services to users by midday Friday, 10/27.

Derecho’s hardware replacement activities are ongoing, with several internal elements requiring replacement across multiple cabinets.  CISL staff have tested subsets of the system for usability overnight, with additional maintenance required Friday, 10/27.  At present it is unclear whether we will be able to incrementally release fractions of the machine to users, or if the entire maintenance activity must be completed prior to return to service.  Today’s maintenance progress will dictate the return to service timeline for Derecho.

Please report any Cheyenne usability issues to https://rchelp.ucar.edu.