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A CISL Consulting Services Group (CSG) tutorial from 1 to 2:30 p.m. MDT on Wednesday, May 24, will introduce new users to the Cheyenne high-performance computing system and the Casper cluster for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. Topics that CSG’s Mea Trahan will cover include: • What HPC systems are available at NCAR and how to access them • Basics of job submission in a ba...
The availability testing portion of Derecho’s Acceptance Test Phase (ATP) continued last week and Derecho is meeting availability requirements with an average of 30,000 jobs running on the system daily and fewer than 75 daily failures. The Derecho project team continues working on two primary application-related issues with HPE subject matter experts. The first issue is that intermittent launch...
Although the NCAR decommissioned its Yellowstone supercomputer at the end of 2017, according to NCAR’s supercomputing history, that wasn’t really the end of the story. Even today, researchers still use much of the system’s hardware, publish scientific papers based on their work, and students learn about high-performance computing and move on to careers in the field. “Yellowstone provides tens ...
The availability testing portion of Derecho’s Acceptance Test Phase (ATP) began at 0900 on May 3, 2023 and system availability requirements are being met so far. For the last four weeks, the Derecho project team and HPE subject matter experts have been working around the clock to resolve various challenges with faulty hardware and the software stack, particularly with the Slingshot network, the...
None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, GLADE, Campaign Storage, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.