The virtual Open Accelerated Computing Summit 2023 is October 4-5 offers free registration and convenes scientists across National labs, research institutions, and universities to discuss accelerated computing and parallel programming research advanced by #OpenHackathons or utilizing #OpenACC. Highlighted talks of potential interest to the NCAR community include:
- GPU Implementation and Optimization of Numerical Ocean Models with OpenACC, Takateru Yamagishi (Japan RIST)
- Performance Portability of Ensemble Kalman Filter Using C++ Senders/Receivers, Yuuichi Asahi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Keynote: The Role of Compiler Directives in Scientific Computing: Now and into the Future, Thomas C. Schulthess (Swiss CSCS)
- Porting an OpenACC Fortran HPC Code to the AMD GPU-Based Frontier System, Igor Sfiligoi (UCSD)
- Real-Time Urban Microclimate Simulations using Multi-GPU Computing, Mingyu Yang (Yonsei U)
- Porting an Atmospheric Model to GPUs: Low-Cost to High-Performance Results , Kazuya Yamazaki (U Tokyo)
- Sailfish: A GPU based Ocean Numerical Model, Jose Maria Gonzalez Ondina (U Florida)
- Accelerating the Cloud Microphysics Parameterization on GPU Using the Directive-Based Methods, Jian Sun (NCAR)