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None planned for Casper, Derecho, GLADE, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
In response to a PBS issue observed in the past month, CISL staff have changed the default “rerun” behavior of submitted batch jobs on both Derecho and Casper. Previously, batch jobs were considered rerunnable by default, meaning that in case of startup issues, the scheduler would automatically attempt to rerun the job. After the PBS upgrade this past May, this feature began interacting negati...
Join a webinar on June 12, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm MT, entitled “Strengthening Development Workflows by Graphically Communicating Elements of Software Design.” The webinar will be led by Rafael Mudafort of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and is part of the IDEAS HPC Best Practices Webinar series. The workshop will present methods to visually communicate software design elements a...
The Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMM) of NCAR invites you to attend a Joint Users' Workshop on Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). The workshop will be held from June 25–28, 2024, in-person at the NCAR/UCAR Center Green campus in Boulder, Colorado, as well as virtually (online). The workshop will discuss model developme...
The jobs of concern here are Derecho batch jobs that are run with directive prefix #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1 in the main queue. In many cases it may be better to run them in the develop queue. It will be helpful if you use the qhist command on some of your finished jobs to see if they are amenable to running in the develop queue. For example, command qhist -j 4701972 -d 5 -l will show you the...
On May 20, 16 new interns embarked on summer programs at CISL, tackling challenging projects that involve machine learning, cloud insights, data assimilation, and more. These students are part of an annual CISL program called Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science, or SIParCS (pronounced “SIGH-parks”). The program will conclude with the students’ final presentations on Friday, A...