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Register now for an online tutorial from 10 to 10:45 a.m. MST on Wednesday, November 9, about using the new version of the Globus data management system. Globus version 5, which CISL will implement on November 7 and 8, provides new capabilities for data sharing and changes the way HPC users set up unattended Globus workflows. In the tutorial, CISL will present an overview of the new functions ...
None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, GLADE, Campaign Storage, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
NCAR’s supercomputing and storage systems were all returned to service on Thursday following completion of scheduled preventive maintenance and security updates. As announced, any impact on users should be minimal. Some may notice minor changes in their GLADE file space quota reports as a result of block size adjustments in /glade/u/home directories. The block size for the home file space, as n...
CISL’s Globus file transfer services will be unavailable from 8 a.m. MST on Monday, November 7, through 5 p.m. MST on Tuesday, November 8, as the new Version 5 is implemented. Transfers in progress during that time frame will be canceled and will need to be restarted after the update. Enhancements coming in the new version will make it easier for researchers to share scientific data with collea...
Researchers with Casper allocations are welcome to use the analysis and visualization cluster to begin preparing for the extensive GPU capabilities of the new Derecho system when it becomes available in 2023. Casper already has 19 nodes with either NVIDIA GP100 GPUs or V100 GPUs in addition to three nodes with A100 GPUs. More A100s will become available in the next few months. Derecho will get ...
Cheyenne, Casper, GLADE, Campaign Storage, and JupyterHub will all be down from 10/17-20 for the previously announced fall maintenance. Quasar and Stratus will also be down temporarily..