The Daily Bulletin delivers news about CISL’s high-performance computing environment, training opportunities, scheduled maintenance, and other events of interest to the user community. To get the Daily Bulletin by email, use this link to subscribe.
Video recordings and other content from the recent Dask tutorial are now available to the user community at Using Dask on HPC Systems. The tutorial focuses on the effective use of Dask on high-performance computing systems like Derecho and Casper. Presented by the CISL Consulting Services Group and the NCAR Earth System Data Science Initiative, it starts with a session for novice Dask users and...
CISL has implemented the changes that were announced in January to account for the use of GPU resources on the Casper cluster. The charging algorithm update for jobs on shared CPU nodes on both Casper and Cheyenne also has been implemented. Projects that have used Casper GPU resources in the past year have all now received an initial GPU-hours allocation based on that previous use. Charges will...
HPE engineers finished installing some key parts of the Derecho system’s base software late in the evening on Friday, February 10. Once the remaining base software is installed and configured, the next phase of the project will be the hardware check-out when HPE runs software on the system to determine if any hardware has failed and needs to be replaced. We expect that phase to begin by Februar...
None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, GLADE, Campaign Storage, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
Are you a researcher or other user who needs help working with NCAR’s high-performance computing systems? You can get expert help a number of different ways, from submitting a help ticket any time to calling or even scheduling an appointment with a CISL supercomputing consultant. For details, go to on the NCAR/CISL Advanced Research Computing portal. You’ll find our HP...
The NCAR/UCAR knowledge base that provides HPC user documentation to the Advanced Research Computing portal will be offline for scheduled maintenance for about an hour beginning at 5:30 p.m. MST on Thursday, February 9.