The Daily Bulletin delivers news about CISL’s high-performance computing environment, training opportunities, scheduled maintenance, and other events of interest to the user community. To get the Daily Bulletin by email, use this link to subscribe.
Downtime is scheduled for Quasar Wednesday, 2/2 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm MT. None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, Glade, Campaign Storage, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
Intel is offering two online training classes to help the NCAR HPC-user community leverage the latest tools from the oneAPI development environment. The session on Wednesday, February 9, will be from 8 to 10:30 a.m. MST and will cover tools for traditional C, C++, and Fortran-compiled languages. The session on Friday, February 11, from 8 to 10 a.m. MST will focus on Python and tools for AI. The...
Researchers who want help visualizing data to demonstrate the results of their scientific computing can request expert assistance and collaboration from CISL. This service is available to researchers using specialized applications on data analysis and visualization resources that CISL manages. CISL visualization staff have special expertise in CISL-developed software such as VAPOR but are open ...
Downtime is scheduled for Quasar Tuesday, January 25th at 9:00 am MT, expected until approximately 10:00 am. None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, Glade, Campaign Storage, Stratus, or JupyterHub.
Some Cheyenne user documentation has been updated to provide more detail about the importance of specifying an ompthreads value in parallel job scripts even if they do not use OpenMP threads. See Cheyenne job script examples for more information about when this is particularly important.
None planned for Cheyenne, Casper, Glade, Campaign Storage, Quasar, Stratus, or JupyterHub.