CISL is encouraging members of the HPC community preparing to use the new Derecho system and its extensive GPU resources to attend the August 2-4
OpenACC and Hackathons Summit 2022. The free virtual Zoom event will bring together scientists and developers from national labs, universities, and other institutions to discuss research advanced by and the use of OpenACC to maximize performance with GPU accelerators.
Individual sessions that may be of special interest to university users and NCAR staff include:
Developing an Ultra-high-resolution E3SM Land Model on Summit Using OpenACC: Dali Wang from Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing how his team optimized their E3SM land model using OpenACC to achieve performance speed-up.
GPU Acceleration of Greenland Ice Sheet Simulations: Emma MacKie from the University of Florida discussing geostatistical simulation as a powerful means for modeling the topography beneath ice sheets and how her team optimized their algorithm for GPUs during a hackathon event.