Join NCAR's ViSR and GeoCAT teams at AGU23 for a tutorial entitled “Visualizing 2D and 3D Geoscience Data in Python.” The tutorial runs from Monday, December 11, to Friday, December 15.
The deadline to register for the Geoscience Data tutorial is this
upcoming Friday, December 1. To register, follow the directions in the
NCAR tutorial announcement.
The Geoscience Data workshop will guide participants through state-of-the-art techniques such as static plotting with Matplotlib, projections with Cartopy, and more, as well as novel techniques such as interactive big-data rendering with Datashader and Holoviews. Participants will work with 2D/3D geoscience data visualization in the scientific Python ecosystem, along with NCAR’s visualization tools such as GeoCAT-examples, GeoCAT-viz, UXarray-plot, and VAPOR. Find more information at the
AGU23 session page.
AGU23, the conference of the American Geophysical Union, takes place from 12/11–12/15 in San Francisco and is “online everywhere.”
Don’t forget to register for the Geoscience Data tutorial by this upcoming Friday!