CISL is planning to update the default environment module stack on both Derecho and Casper on February 25th. On Derecho, the default version will be incremented from ncarenv/23.09 to ncarenv/24.12 and on Casper it will be incremented from ncarenv/23.10 to ncarenv/24.12. These newer ncarenv versions are already available on both systems; users are encouraged to migrate and test workflows ahead of the change. The older software stacks will still be available after February 25th, but users will need to explicitly load the older stack to use it. Run these commands to load a specific stack version:
module purge
module load ncarenv/24.12
module reset
The new module stacks include two Intel OneAPI versions - 2024.2.1 and 2025.0.3. The 2024 release is currently the default compiler in the new ncarenv/24.12. Be aware that this 2024.2.1 release of the Intel compiler is the last release to contain the classic ifort compiler. All versions from 2025 on will only provide the ifx Fortran compiler. We intend that future ncarenv stacks will not provide a legacy OneAPI version, so ensuring ifx compatibility with your existing codes is advised.