CISL is now accepting large-scale allocation requests from university-based researchers for the Derecho system as well as the Casper data analysis and visualization cluster. Those requests are due March 10. We are actively seeking projects that can take advantage of Derecho’s 328 NVIDIA A100 GPUs.
At the CISL HPC Allocations Panel (CHAP) spring 2025 meeting, CISL will allocate up to 500 million core-hours and 500,000 GPU-hours on the Derecho system, and up to 3 PB of Campaign Storage space. CISL accepts requests from university researchers for large-scale allocations every six months.
Researchers should include the Casper system in their work plans to minimize the need to move data to their home institutions for analysis. Casper provides resources for data analysis and visualization activities and single-node jobs.
In addition to requesting computing allocations, university projects can request long-term space on the NCAR Campaign Storage resource. Campaign Storage has no default minimum amount; users are asked to justify the amount requested. The CHAP continues to closely scrutinize data management plans and storage requests, especially when proposals request a substantial portion of the storage capacity available to allocate.
Please email us at or call 303-497-2000 if you have any questions.