Daily Bulletin

Free hybrid seminar on convective storms and mid-latitude jet stream—refreshments served in-person

October 2, 2024

On Thursday, October 24, at 2:00 pm MT, join NSF NCAR’s Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) department for a seminar entitled “Upscale Influence of Mesoscale Convection on the Mid-latitude Jet Stream: Dynamics and Predictability of Negative Potential Vorticity.”

In this seminar, Alex Lojko of NSF NCAR will introduce a perspective for evaluating upscale interactions between convective storms and the mid-latitude jet stream. Using theoretical frameworks and aesthetic model simulations, the presentation provides climatological insight, and presents preliminary findings from year-long global storm-resolving simulations.

This seminar will be hybrid: you may attend in-person or watch the live webcast. Participants watching the webcasts may ask questions during the seminar via Slido.

If attending in-person, you can also join colleagues for refreshments starting at 1:45 pm, and for informal discussion and refreshments after the seminar until 3:30 pm. The event will take place in the NCAR-Foothills Laboratory at 3450 Mitchell Lane, room FL-1022, Large Auditorium.