Daily Bulletin

NAIRR Pilot seeks AI-related proposals focusing on new researchers and classroom education

July 24, 2024

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot is expanding its reach in two important ways, and seeks proposals from the community to address these new areas. 

The NAIRR Pilot—associated with the EducateAI initiative to advance education for the future AI workforce—aims to broaden and diversify access to AI resources and training for the next generation, in a manner protecting privacy and rights.

A July 18 letter calls for proposals that expand the NAIRR Pilot community in the following two areas: 
  • Community outreach and training to new and emerging researchers
  • Educators bringing inclusive AI-educational experiences to classrooms nationwide

These new grants are available for amounts ranging up to $500,000, provided over a period of up to five years. Proposals will be accepted until December 15, 2024, or until funding runs out.

For more information about how to apply, read the Dear Colleague Letter; direct any questions to NAIRR_Pilot@nsf.gov.