Daily Bulletin

Upcoming SEA Open Discussion on GPUs and Accelerators

July 9, 2024
Updated: July 10, 2024

Join the UCAR Software Engineering Assembly at 11 AM MT on Tuesday, August 13 for a lightly-moderated discussion on the use of GPUs or any other hardware accelerators across UCAR.

Any discussion topics are welcome, as are all experience levels. We encourage you to share your experiences, good and bad.

Some potential discussion topics include:  

  • Current uses of GPUs and accelerators, including applications, discovered benefits, and methods of implementation (CUDA, OpenACC, etc.).
  • Barriers, challenges, or pitfalls to using GPUs.
  • Thoughts on UCAR/NCAR pursuing GPU or accelerator capabilities versus other software-related goals or facilities. 
  • What could SEA do to help support and/or advocate for community needs in this area?  

Hope to see you there! For NCAR/UCAR Staff, add this event to your calendar. If you are external, please email Taysia Peterson for an invitation.