The jobs of concern here are Derecho batch jobs that are run with directive prefix #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1 in the main queue. In many cases it may be better to run them in the develop queue.
It will be helpful if you use the qhist command on some of your finished jobs to see if they are amenable to running in the develop queue. For example, command qhist -j 4701972 -d 5 -l will show you the memory and wallclock time used for jobid 4701972 that was run in the last five days. Jobs in the develop queue should specify memory required via -l select=...:mem=5GB up to 235GB, and specify wallclock time of six hours or less.
Single-processor jobs run in the
develop queue will run on one processor versus 128 processors in the
main queue resulting in substantial savings, at the same time freeing up Derecho nodes for general use. It is worth noting that some jobs other than single-processor jobs may be suitable for running in the
develop queue, as per