Are you an HPC user who would like to expand your skill set in computational science, learn curing edge advancements in HPC, and network with peers and experts interested in the same?
The annual
Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) is set to take place July 28-August 9, 2024 in St. Charles, IL. Open to students, post-docs, research software engineers, and early or mid career researchers who may have minimal formal training in computational science, applications for ATPESC are now open through February 28, 2024. There are no fees to participate for accepted applicants.
Renowned scientists and leading HPC experts will serve as lecturers and guide the hands-on training sessions. ATPESC participants will have access to DOE’s leadership-class systems at the ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC during the program. The core curriculum will cover:
- Computer architectures
- Numerical algorithms and mathematical software
- Software productivity and sustainability
- Data analysis, visualization, I/O, and methodologies for big data applications
- Performance measurement and debugging tools
- Machine learning and data science
Learn more about the program
here and submit your application including a statement of purpose, CV, and letter of recommendation by February 28th, 2024. If you’d like to learn more about the program, reach out to who can connect you with multiple NCAR alumni who have participated in the program.