Cheyenne and Casper both now have new versions of Intel, GCC, and NVIDIA's HPC SDK as part of our yearly compiler refresh. Intel redesigned its Parallel Studio into
Intel OneAPI, which provides the traditional compilers as well as a new suite based on
LLVM. Both the new and traditional compilers are made available by loading the
intel/2021.2 module; default build flags (e.g., CC, FC) use the traditional compilers.
Also worth noting is the new NetCDF 4.8.0, which includes support for the Zarr format (popular in cloud computing). Here is a full summary of new compiler, library, and application installations:
- intel/2021.2 (OneAPI compilers and libraries)
- gnu/11.1.0
- nvhpc/21.3
- netcdf/4.8.0 and netcdf-mpi/4.8.0
- ESMF/8.1.1
- eccodes/2.21.0
- fftw/3.3.9 and fftw-mpi/3.3.9
- matlab/R2021a
- idl/8.8.0
The default versions of many of these software packages will be incremented in the coming weeks, and those changes will be announced in the Daily Bulletin. Please
contact CISL if you encounter any issues using the new software.