Join NCAR's ViSR and GeoCAT teams at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting for a tutorial entitled “Visualizing 2D and 3D Geoscience Data in Python.”
You can register directly for the
AMS tutorial, to be held January 27, 2024.
NCAR’s GeoCAT and VAPOR groups are committed to open science by developing open source, scalable, multi-platform data analysis and visualization tools that enable exploratory analysis of complex and large datasets in the scientific Python ecosystem.
This workshop will guide participants through state-of-the-art techniques such as static plotting with Matplotlib, projections with Cartopy, and more. It will also cover novel techniques including big-data rendering with Datashader and Holoviews. Participants will use 2D/3D geoscience data visualization in the scientific Python ecosystem, as well as NCAR's visualization tools such as GeoCAT-examples, GeoCAT-viz, UXarray-plot, and VAPOR.
Registration runs until January 27, so register today!