Daily Bulletin

System downtimes for week of October 23 -27

October 20, 2023

 All CISL HPC systems - Casper, Cheyenne, Derecho, JupyterHub, and data access nodes, will be down for scheduled maintenance the week of October 23–27 to deploy a new operating system on Casper, and to perform file system migrations in preparation for Cheyenne retirement at the end of this year. CISL engineers will relocate a number of file system datasets during this outage—including /glade/work—to new hardware. 

Our intention is to return Cheyenne to service as quickly as possible, with a planning date of Wednesday 10/25 morning.Cheyenne will be followed by Derecho, and finally Casper, and precise timing will be determined by maintenance events as they unfold. 

 None planned for GLADE, Campaign Storage, Quasar, or Stratus