Daily Bulletin

Transitioning to Derecho Training - Recording and Materials Published

September 7, 2023

Recently, training events were offered to the NCAR HPC community on “Introducing Derecho - NCAR's New Supercomputer and Migrating from Cheyenne”. A recording plus presentation slidedeck has now been published for community Derecho users to reference.

Beyond referencing this archived material and current HPC documentation made available at arc.ucar.edu, users are still encouraged to submit support tickets to the Research Computing helpdesk at rchelp.ucar.edu for any additional questions or requests for support on Derecho, Cheyenne/Casper, or any other HPC needs. Additionally, individuals may schedule a virtual or in-person consultation with a staff member if preferred.

NCAR HPC consultants are available 8am to 5pm MT Monday through Friday to support you on all your HPC needs and ongoing work transitioning to Derecho.