Daily Bulletin

Use NCAR computing resources in your university courses

September 1, 2023

As part of NCAR’s mission to support atmospheric science and education, faculty and instructors at any U.S. 2- and 4-year institution can use NCAR HPC and analysis resources in their courses in Earth system science and related areas. 

Classroom allocations can also be used for shorter-term training courses and workshops aimed at the university community with the goal of developing a skilled workforce relevant to all aspects of NCAR’s mission. “Special projects” or honors thesis courses under the guidance of a faculty member are eligible.

Individual accounts are provided to all students and the instructor(s), so be sure to allow at least a week for setting up accounts. Very large classes may require more setup time. NCAR can provide consulting assistance to the instructors.

For more details and to request a classroom allocation, see the University allocations page in the ARC portal.