Daily Bulletin

More Derecho hardware delivered after HPE factory trial

January 9, 2023

All of the CPU and GPU racks for NCAR’s new Derecho supercomputer have now been delivered to the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Eight CPU racks and two coolant distribution units (CDUs) were delivered on December 6. Two more CPU racks, one GPU rack, an additional CDU, six storage racks, and two infrastructure racks arrived on January 4 following a factory trial. All the hardware has now been installed.

Preparations for acceptance testing of the new 19.87-petaflops system continue. When that is completed in the spring, Derecho will become available to teams of university researchers and NCAR lab scientists whose proposals for Accelerated Scientific Discovery (ASD) projects were selected. CISL expects Derecho to be available to the general user community in June.