Daily Bulletin

Renamed opportunity and new options for university research

August 9, 2022

Graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and new faculty members at U.S. universities can request a one-time Exploratory Allocation of up to 400,000 Cheyenne core-hours. The newly renamed opportunity is for small-scale allocations supporting work that is not within the scope of a funded research grant. Exploratory allocations typically support dissertations, help foster early career research, or provide seed resources for pursuing funded research.

Updated allocations policies announced this week also redefine “new faculty” as any faculty member who has not previously had an NCAR high-performance computing allocation as a faculty member. The policies also clarified language regarding eligibility in order to emphasize the range of post-secondary institutions that are welcome to use NCAR’s resources.

See our university allocations documentation on the Advanced Research Computing portal for details on this opportunity and other recent allocation policy updates.