Daily Bulletin

Derecho delivery delayed until January 2022

August 4, 2021

Due to the world-wide shortfall in semiconductor supplies, the delivery of Derecho to NCAR will be delayed by approximately four months. HPE’s new delivery date is now late January 2022. CISL is engaging HPE to extend Cheyenne’s maintenance agreement until December 2022 to ensure at least a six-month overlap between the Cheyenne and Derecho systems.

In order to complete the selection process before the winter holidays, the timeline for Derecho’s Accelerated Scientific Discovery (ASD) program proposals will remain unchanged from the previous announcements. However, proposal teams should ensure they will be ready to commit to their primary ASD computing efforts in May-June 2022. Early access to the Derecho test systems for ASD projects will likely happen in early 2022.

The Derecho delay also means that Fall 2021 allocations for university, Wyoming, and NCAR projects will all be made on only Cheyenne and Casper. Projects with Cheyenne and Casper allocations will be given the chance to transfer core-hours to Derecho next year.